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Senior Portrait Photographer

based in Noblesville, Indiana.

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hi, i’m hannah.

I cannot wait to officially meet you face-to-face, but until then, here is a bit about my life behind the lens!

I live in Noblesville with my husband Kyle, our twin boys, and our two cats! I have been a photographer since high school, but started my business in 2013 when I was a junior in college. In early 2018, I decided to take the plunge and pursue my business full-time and I have never looked back!

Of course, I am passionate about everything creative and photography-related. But truly, the real blessing of this career is getting to work with so many amazing seniors and their families. I am SO passionate about helping young women not only see their true beauty, but to know their worth and grow in their confidence.


What my LinkedIn job description says that I do: Full Time Senior Portrait Photographer.

What I really do: create art that helps young women believe their worth, give families heirlooms to hold onto for generations, and create an unforgettable experience that ties a pretty bow on the end of an era: life as you currently know it! (And make it super fun in the process!)


I love: Jesus, being home with my family, The Bachelor, crime documentaries, makeup, personality tests (I’m a 4w3, and an INFP), Mexican food, rose gold, having my nails done, cozy things, having a plan, not having a plan, creating homey spaces, and nostalgia.

Thank you for stopping by my lil corner of the internet! Now lets learn more about you here!


“Enjoy it, because it’s happening.”
